July 30, 2011

A Little Over A Year

It is late. Your Dad has fallen asleep before 10am (again!) and I am up late (again!). However, before he fell asleep, we were talking about something, something that is important to note.

While you were still trapped inside - just waiting to get out, we had our thoughts and theories about you. That you would be wild, that we would love you, that you would make our hearts melt over, and over and over again. We thought you would be blonde (you are) and that you would love to snuggle.

However, didn't and couldn't imagine how truly blessed we would be as a family of three, and I promise that I didn't try to make that rhyme. Never could we have imagined how truly amazing you are. You are wonderfully wild and so sweet. You snuggle your stuffed gorilla that Nathan gave you and your Moo cow that Grandma Zenick gave you like no other. You come up and gently lay your head on our knees when we are sitting on the couch, and you are going from one activity to the next. You get concerned when people cry, you talk non-stop. I don't know who taught you to scream but you do it, and do it well - my eardrums told me so. The cats are finding your particular style of love a little hard to handle, but we are trying to let you guys work our your relationship.....for the most part.

We had our ideas about you kid, but never did we think that you would be so fantastic and make our family so complete.

So, what are you up to?
- Babble, Babble, Babble. You are just a non-stop talker! You say - hi, mama, dada, this, that, cat, dog, bird, love you (ove you)
-Sleep through the night (modified crying it out worked for us!)
-Have become a snuggle monster
-Give the best kisses
-Starting to feed yourself with a fork (stabbing the stuff is difficult but you are doing well)
-Love books!
-Point to an object you would like and say "dis" "dis" or "dat!"
-If we ask you where an object you are familiar with is, you can more often than not point to it.
-Love gorillas
-You can follow simple commands "Wes, can you get me the ball?"
-Laugh when we say no

June 26, 2011

Almost a year...

Hi sweet, sweet, baby.

Oh how we love you my sweet. This month has been such a blast with you. You are almost always happy, you chatter, you pretend to talk on the phone. Oh my word.

Sadly, you are sick again, but not "I have a cold sick" like last time. This time you are rockin' a 103-104 degree temp. It breaks our hearts - but you have avoided the doctors office because you are in such high spirits.

We have not done anything super exciting - just lots and lots of playing outside since it is summer. If we are inside, you sit at the screen door, staring outside (usually with a cat next to you). You point and say "out-tide, out-tide". Not shockingly, we release you out into the world. Like I said, we spend a good 85% of the day outside.

What do we do out in the great big world? We water your plants - which you are being very patient with. We planted some cherry tomatoes that are taking for.ever to ripen, you poke them, you tug them and then we wait....and wait....and wait. Then we water the lawn, swing in the swing, wander along the walkway, smell the roses, poke the sunflowers, eat a little dirt. You know, we do outside stuff.

Going along with the whole it's summer thing, we have been to the beach, the fair (YOU DO NOT LIKE COWS!!!!), swimming, lots of trips to the park and the Wild Animal Park. We stay busy. Oh! I almost forgot. We went camping. You loved it! We went to Green Valley Falls up near Julian and you did great. Quite possibly the most content you have ever been. You hung out and played in the dirt nicely, you splashed in the river, you hung out in the ERGO while we went for hikes and you played with your friend Cora. We will for sure be taking you camping again - how could we not?

It really is amazing, in ever true sense of the word how far you have come in the past 11 months, and every day you do something that makes us realize how quickly your first birthday is approaching. You are so big, and so wonderful and we are so thankful that you are part of our family.

So, what are you doing?
-Talking: Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Cat, Dog, Bird, All Done, Hi Dad, Outside, Hat, Carne Asada and I am sure that I am forgetting some, but those are the most frequently said. You don't say them properly, but those are the ones that everyone agrees you say clearly.
-You jabber A TON - only you know what you are saying, and hopefully it is nice, but you jabber a ton
-You have accepted the car seat for what it is and don't really cry anymore while in it.
-Wave bye
-Love "itsy bitsy spider" and when you want me to sing it, you make the spider go up the water spout with you fingers....but only then. You won't do it during the song.
-You "talk" on the phone and then share it with me. You will put my cell phone up to your ear, say "hi dad" then give it back to me, while looking expectantly at me to talk to someone who isn't there. It is adorable.
-You love your uncle Nathy
-You don't love large group gatherings. It kinda freaks you out.
-You stack blocks
-You identify animals by sight
-If I ask where an animal is in a book, you can point to it
-You do not understand steps
-You dance. It is a cute little butt wiggle and you love family dance parties.
-You love to video chat with Grandma Lynn
-You love to help sweep - we just got you a mini broom and you love it!
-You love to feed people food, thankfully you also like to wipe off people's faces. We would be a mess with out you.
-You are oddly enough, really good at sharing!
-You can drink from a straw wonderfully! We think you learned so you can drink slurpees
-You love fish! We got you a fish taco and you were in heaven - ate the whole thing.
-You are starting to draw. That is overstating your actions greatly, but you are kind of starting to get what it is that you are supposed to do.

We celebrated your first birthday a little over a week ago and we rocked it as a family. Your dad built a net so when you woke up in bed with us , we each pulled a string and 24 balloons floated down. We made you a felt board, and got you a power wheel (you LOVE that thing little dude). Then we got ready for the day, hopped in the car, stopped for a donut hole and took you to Sea World. You loved the Sharks, you loved the Bat Rays, and were kinda meh on Shamu (I don't blame you). Then we came home, had some spaghetti and blew out a candle on a chocolate cake I made for you. It was an amazing day, and we all had a fantastic time together.

Your first birthday party - now that is a different story. Don't get me wrong, it was AMAZING, and Wes, you are so truly blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love you so deeply. You one lucky kid to grow up surrounded by so much love. But it was HECTIC. We made a lot of stuff for your viking birthday party (yes I said viking - what?!?), on top of just throwing you a birthday party - we were pooped by the end of the week. It was all worth it though. It is the good kind of complaining, the kind you shouldn't be doing, but I am.

This summer has been filled with lots of exploring, from camping, to the fair, to the beach, to the pool, to the park, to Sea World, to the Zoo. We have been up to a little of everything and spending all day outside. When you wake up, you basically just head over to the door and say "ou-tide!" and point your sweet little point (you twist your hand upside down) to the nearest door.

Normally we let you go outside. How could we not?

You are getting another tooth, and this one must be a doozy. You are a drooly mess like you have never been before, it is kinda cute, kinda gross, but we love you just the same. As Nathan said today "It is like trying to hold on to a wet fish".

And that my love, is where I will end this blog post.

So in sum: You are a wild, kind hearted, snuggly beast. You love being outdoors, eating fruit and giving your mom black eyes (your head got me square in the nose). You love fish, and hate having your face wiped off. For being only a year old you sure are amazing, and we are so thankful that you came into our family. I love us.

May 16, 2011

Mama knows...

I don't know why I say it, or where it comes from, but when you are really upset, when I say "Mama knows" in a soothing voice it helps soothe you. You are a weirdo, huh?

March? I have not written since March? Dude, kid. You are keeping me so busy!

We have been busy 'splorin the city with you. We take you on frequent trips to the Wild Animal Park - you even got to see the baby cheetah on it's very first day coming out to meet the public. It was just you and Daddy, but he says you went wild over the cute little creature and wouldn't stop saying "cat - cat - cat- cat". In fact, Daddy told me that you were so cute, the person who was watching the baby cheetah thought you were the cutest.

We took our first family trip to Disneyland and you had a blast. You didn't quite get where we were, what we were doing or who all those giant characters were that kept hugging you, but hey, It was an experience. You were fantastic the whole time, no melt downs, you didn't cry on any rides and you liked the Dumbo ride the most. Daddy's favorite memory of the whole trip was when you fell asleep on the Haunted Manson. HA! That is the first time you have EVER fallen asleep mid activity.

Your love for the beach has done nothing but grown. You like to dig in the sand, crawl through the water and charge the waves. You don't care how dirty you get, how cold the water is or how much of it gets in your face. Kid - you are a trooper.

Summer is creeping in and your Dad and I are beyond excited to take you on your first trip to the pool. I don't know if you will love it or hate it, but we can't wait to try it!

So what skills and quirks have you developed over the past two and a half months, well...

-YOU WALK! You started taking steps right before you turned 9 months old. Then you decided that taking steps wasn't your thing for a week or so, but when you started back up you were amazing at it! Just a couple days shy of being 10 months old and walking is your preferred method of transportation.
-You can say MAMA, DADA, CAT, DOG, NO, NO NO DADA,
-You shake your head Yes appropriately (only for commonly asked questions. When we sign "all done" you shake your head yes if you are)
-You can feed yourself with a spoon
-You can blow bubbles
-You are starting to be more gentle with the poor cats. Their nerves need a break
-You love to "read". You will crawl off to your bookshelf, pull off some books and flip through them. You also love the book "baby giggles". It makes you smile.
-You would much rather be outside than inside.
-You are starting to leap
-You can climb up on to the couch.
-You love when we sing to you
-You cry when Daddy goes to work
-You give kisses
-You blow kisses
-You wave
-You LOVE. L.O.V.E other kids. Bigger kids are your favorite.
-You melt everyone's hearts

If we thought you were a little person at 7.5 months, wow! I don't know what you would be now? An old geezer? You are so loved boo-boo. Your Dad hates to go to work because it means he is away from you, and I snuggle you every night in bed (This is where the no no- dada comes in. You want nothing to do with him at night time).

We can't wait to explore the summer with you my littlest love. We have lots in store, from going to the pool, hanging out at the fair, a few camping trips are planned, fireworks are for sure in there somewhere, but most importantly,


Aye, aye, aye. I may cry. They will be happy tears, but if you were 13 years old, you would totally roll your eyes and ask me to leave you a block away so your friends don't ever meet me.

March 13, 2011

My poor sweet baby!

My poor sweet baby, you are sick!

Today you were grumping while cousin Lia was here, which is odd for you. You love Lia. So, we went to take your temperature and the thermometer hit us with 101.2 and 100.6 before bed. My poor sweet lovie bear. The worst part is, we don't know why! You don't seem sick other than being a bit grumpy, more sleepy and more clingy than usual - our guess is teeth you drool monster you.

Only time will tell!

In other news, you are 7.5 months old and the ccuuttteeesssttt. Oh my goodness Wes. I can not do your sweetness justice with words. You are turning into such a little person, and after much discussion your dad and I have come to the conclusion that our favorite thing about you, is that you love to be a family. Sure, you love your dad and I, but you love to be a family with us. You don't care what we do, it can be folding laundry, grocery shopping or .....

....this will have to wait, you are up crying.

...and back, you just needed a back rub. Now, where was I? Oh! Your love for family. You don't care what we do, or where we are. You just like us! This is working out splendidly.

New things:
-You say mama
-You can stand on your own for a second or two
-You have two bottom teeth, that you cut with little to no effort
-You Dance to Will I Am's Sesame Street video
-You love your normal baths, none of that baby bath tub stuff for you
-You LOVE LOVE L.O.V.E the beach and just charging into waves
-You got whacked by the cat, you no longer love the cats. In case you were wondering, you were kinda asking for it.
-You adore your family, all of them.
-You hate to stop and eat
-You hate to stop
-Oddly, you do listen a little.
-More often than not when we make monkey noises, you make some resemblance of a monkey noise back.
-"Old McDonald" is the only song that will make you stop crying in the car. Sometimes I run out of animals and it gets us into weird situations. There is no roller coaster on the farm for future reference.
-You love red meat
-Sadly, you also love cows. I don't look forward to the day where you put these two things together.

Today also marks an interesting point. The introduction of a bit of formula. You are so on the move, you have no desire to stop and nurse, so your beloved milk supply has taken a hit kid. I can't get you to stop moving to eat, but you do take a sippy cup. we are going to have to figure this dance out over the next month, but you don't love this whole formula thing yet. You would rather have some more brisket mmmmmkay?

I would also like to share with you that researching the nutritional difference between the various types of formulas was quite frustrating. If I google "Nutritional differences in formulas" You know what doesn't help me make an informed decision? Tons of women flaming other women for using formula, and telling them why their choices suck. *sigh*. By the time you read this Wes, I hope the popularly dubbed "Mommy wars" are over, and there is more information out there - not people using exclamation point after exclamation point after stating that breast milk is the only thing you should give your child.

You know who didn't help inform me about anything? THAT PERSON.

Alright my love, it is late, you don't need to care about mommy wars while you sleep off your fever. So I will leave you with something simple to think about.

I love you.

February 15, 2011

Life Rearranged

Dear Baby,

If we can even call you that anymore. Do you know why there are no posts between the one I promised to write more in, and this one? It is because you my love, are you.

People frequently comment that you are not a typical 6 month old, and to be honest, I agree. When you were born you rearranged the strings of our heart, now that you are 6 months old you are rearranging our physical living space (which is getting kind of costly might I add). You keep trying to walk, "cruise" as they call it, and this is proving dangerous enough for me to consider putting you in a helmet, shoulder pads and whatever other hockey gear they may make for a 6 month old. This cruising leads you to too many falls on the TV stand with a foot that juts out, sowe have a new, lockable, flat faced TV stand to protect you from yourself.

Next on the list, a new bed. Your father and I awoke several time through out the night, to you, meandering around the bed, trying to bail on us! WE JUST WANT TO SNUGGLE! You can't avoid our love for forever kid. We will just get to you when you are older, and your screams are less ear piercing. We will snuggle, but for now, you just try to escape the very tall bed. Waking up at 3am with just enough time to catch your foot as you try to leap off the bed is just not working for my sanity.

Ikea, you are our savior.

Okay, so what can you do now?
- You are such a good crawler you can follow us around the house from room to room and keep up! This makes you seemingly very proud of yourself.
-You eat. Wait, let me rephrase, you will eat anything, from spaghetti (NOT UNTIL 10 MONTHS!), the inside of a sweet potato fry, chicken, turkey, wild rice...anything really, and then you ask for more
-Dude, you eat. A LOT.
-You can cruise
-We are pretty sure you say "Mama" when you are sad at night and want me.
-You jabber away, none of it means much, but you have a sweet, soft little voice.
-You are such a good baby, we can not tell you this enough, you are such a good, good, good little boy. We can take you to do anything, and you might want to crawl, or have us hold your hands while you walk, but you put up with soooo much!
-You know the sign for "milk", it makes you laugh.
-You know the sign, and word for "cat", it makes you look around the room for Sita and Gwen.
-You love rough housing with your father
-You might be stingy, but you give big old wet kisses...and like to slip us the tounge
-You love playing with toy cars, and you can play with them properly.
-You like to play in your crib. Not a travel crib, your crib. It makes you happy.
-You sleep best in the Ergo
-You are a mama's boy through and through (I will be sure to remind you of this when you are 16, just before leaving for prom)
-You can pick up any object, no matter how small, and maneuver it. Your manual dexterity really is impressive.
-You love, love, love other kids.

I know there is so much more to tell you, about you, but it changes daily, and you can do so much, that it would be hard to list it all.

You are not our little baby anymore. You are not the big lump of love we brought home from the hospital, we can't call you an infant anymore. You are a little boy, who is working to do all those dangerous things little boys do, and I am the mother of a little boy, who is working at not having a mental break down every time you do all those dangerous things little boys do.

Mr. Alder, to be honest, the point of this post isn't to ramble on about what an active baby you are, it is to let you know, that as you are snuggled up to my back, asleep in the Ergo, all warm and cozy, I want to let you know how loved you are. Your father and I adore you more than you will ever know, sometimes after giving you, your last bottle and you have fallen asleep (sorry Dr. Smart, that is just how we roll), we just look at you and talk about what a fantastic creature you are, and how blessed we are to have such a happy, healthy and loving little boy. We kiss your face, and rub your head. We blink back tears because you really did rearrange not just our physical living space, but our heart too. We had to clear out all the old junk, and make room for a love so big, we have to blog about it.

Our hearts exploded....all over this website.

Wesley, as you grow, and have bad days and get plauged with social interactions....and enter Junior high, I know it won't be cool, or popular, but never doubt that you are loved so very deeply, by so many in this world.