March 13, 2011

My poor sweet baby!

My poor sweet baby, you are sick!

Today you were grumping while cousin Lia was here, which is odd for you. You love Lia. So, we went to take your temperature and the thermometer hit us with 101.2 and 100.6 before bed. My poor sweet lovie bear. The worst part is, we don't know why! You don't seem sick other than being a bit grumpy, more sleepy and more clingy than usual - our guess is teeth you drool monster you.

Only time will tell!

In other news, you are 7.5 months old and the ccuuttteeesssttt. Oh my goodness Wes. I can not do your sweetness justice with words. You are turning into such a little person, and after much discussion your dad and I have come to the conclusion that our favorite thing about you, is that you love to be a family. Sure, you love your dad and I, but you love to be a family with us. You don't care what we do, it can be folding laundry, grocery shopping or .....

....this will have to wait, you are up crying.

...and back, you just needed a back rub. Now, where was I? Oh! Your love for family. You don't care what we do, or where we are. You just like us! This is working out splendidly.

New things:
-You say mama
-You can stand on your own for a second or two
-You have two bottom teeth, that you cut with little to no effort
-You Dance to Will I Am's Sesame Street video
-You love your normal baths, none of that baby bath tub stuff for you
-You LOVE LOVE L.O.V.E the beach and just charging into waves
-You got whacked by the cat, you no longer love the cats. In case you were wondering, you were kinda asking for it.
-You adore your family, all of them.
-You hate to stop and eat
-You hate to stop
-Oddly, you do listen a little.
-More often than not when we make monkey noises, you make some resemblance of a monkey noise back.
-"Old McDonald" is the only song that will make you stop crying in the car. Sometimes I run out of animals and it gets us into weird situations. There is no roller coaster on the farm for future reference.
-You love red meat
-Sadly, you also love cows. I don't look forward to the day where you put these two things together.

Today also marks an interesting point. The introduction of a bit of formula. You are so on the move, you have no desire to stop and nurse, so your beloved milk supply has taken a hit kid. I can't get you to stop moving to eat, but you do take a sippy cup. we are going to have to figure this dance out over the next month, but you don't love this whole formula thing yet. You would rather have some more brisket mmmmmkay?

I would also like to share with you that researching the nutritional difference between the various types of formulas was quite frustrating. If I google "Nutritional differences in formulas" You know what doesn't help me make an informed decision? Tons of women flaming other women for using formula, and telling them why their choices suck. *sigh*. By the time you read this Wes, I hope the popularly dubbed "Mommy wars" are over, and there is more information out there - not people using exclamation point after exclamation point after stating that breast milk is the only thing you should give your child.

You know who didn't help inform me about anything? THAT PERSON.

Alright my love, it is late, you don't need to care about mommy wars while you sleep off your fever. So I will leave you with something simple to think about.

I love you.

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