July 30, 2011

A Little Over A Year

It is late. Your Dad has fallen asleep before 10am (again!) and I am up late (again!). However, before he fell asleep, we were talking about something, something that is important to note.

While you were still trapped inside - just waiting to get out, we had our thoughts and theories about you. That you would be wild, that we would love you, that you would make our hearts melt over, and over and over again. We thought you would be blonde (you are) and that you would love to snuggle.

However, didn't and couldn't imagine how truly blessed we would be as a family of three, and I promise that I didn't try to make that rhyme. Never could we have imagined how truly amazing you are. You are wonderfully wild and so sweet. You snuggle your stuffed gorilla that Nathan gave you and your Moo cow that Grandma Zenick gave you like no other. You come up and gently lay your head on our knees when we are sitting on the couch, and you are going from one activity to the next. You get concerned when people cry, you talk non-stop. I don't know who taught you to scream but you do it, and do it well - my eardrums told me so. The cats are finding your particular style of love a little hard to handle, but we are trying to let you guys work our your relationship.....for the most part.

We had our ideas about you kid, but never did we think that you would be so fantastic and make our family so complete.

So, what are you up to?
- Babble, Babble, Babble. You are just a non-stop talker! You say - hi, mama, dada, this, that, cat, dog, bird, love you (ove you)
-Sleep through the night (modified crying it out worked for us!)
-Have become a snuggle monster
-Give the best kisses
-Starting to feed yourself with a fork (stabbing the stuff is difficult but you are doing well)
-Love books!
-Point to an object you would like and say "dis" "dis" or "dat!"
-If we ask you where an object you are familiar with is, you can more often than not point to it.
-Love gorillas
-You can follow simple commands "Wes, can you get me the ball?"
-Laugh when we say no

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