May 16, 2011

Mama knows...

I don't know why I say it, or where it comes from, but when you are really upset, when I say "Mama knows" in a soothing voice it helps soothe you. You are a weirdo, huh?

March? I have not written since March? Dude, kid. You are keeping me so busy!

We have been busy 'splorin the city with you. We take you on frequent trips to the Wild Animal Park - you even got to see the baby cheetah on it's very first day coming out to meet the public. It was just you and Daddy, but he says you went wild over the cute little creature and wouldn't stop saying "cat - cat - cat- cat". In fact, Daddy told me that you were so cute, the person who was watching the baby cheetah thought you were the cutest.

We took our first family trip to Disneyland and you had a blast. You didn't quite get where we were, what we were doing or who all those giant characters were that kept hugging you, but hey, It was an experience. You were fantastic the whole time, no melt downs, you didn't cry on any rides and you liked the Dumbo ride the most. Daddy's favorite memory of the whole trip was when you fell asleep on the Haunted Manson. HA! That is the first time you have EVER fallen asleep mid activity.

Your love for the beach has done nothing but grown. You like to dig in the sand, crawl through the water and charge the waves. You don't care how dirty you get, how cold the water is or how much of it gets in your face. Kid - you are a trooper.

Summer is creeping in and your Dad and I are beyond excited to take you on your first trip to the pool. I don't know if you will love it or hate it, but we can't wait to try it!

So what skills and quirks have you developed over the past two and a half months, well...

-YOU WALK! You started taking steps right before you turned 9 months old. Then you decided that taking steps wasn't your thing for a week or so, but when you started back up you were amazing at it! Just a couple days shy of being 10 months old and walking is your preferred method of transportation.
-You can say MAMA, DADA, CAT, DOG, NO, NO NO DADA,
-You shake your head Yes appropriately (only for commonly asked questions. When we sign "all done" you shake your head yes if you are)
-You can feed yourself with a spoon
-You can blow bubbles
-You are starting to be more gentle with the poor cats. Their nerves need a break
-You love to "read". You will crawl off to your bookshelf, pull off some books and flip through them. You also love the book "baby giggles". It makes you smile.
-You would much rather be outside than inside.
-You are starting to leap
-You can climb up on to the couch.
-You love when we sing to you
-You cry when Daddy goes to work
-You give kisses
-You blow kisses
-You wave
-You LOVE. L.O.V.E other kids. Bigger kids are your favorite.
-You melt everyone's hearts

If we thought you were a little person at 7.5 months, wow! I don't know what you would be now? An old geezer? You are so loved boo-boo. Your Dad hates to go to work because it means he is away from you, and I snuggle you every night in bed (This is where the no no- dada comes in. You want nothing to do with him at night time).

We can't wait to explore the summer with you my littlest love. We have lots in store, from going to the pool, hanging out at the fair, a few camping trips are planned, fireworks are for sure in there somewhere, but most importantly,


Aye, aye, aye. I may cry. They will be happy tears, but if you were 13 years old, you would totally roll your eyes and ask me to leave you a block away so your friends don't ever meet me.

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