February 15, 2011

Life Rearranged

Dear Baby,

If we can even call you that anymore. Do you know why there are no posts between the one I promised to write more in, and this one? It is because you my love, are you.

People frequently comment that you are not a typical 6 month old, and to be honest, I agree. When you were born you rearranged the strings of our heart, now that you are 6 months old you are rearranging our physical living space (which is getting kind of costly might I add). You keep trying to walk, "cruise" as they call it, and this is proving dangerous enough for me to consider putting you in a helmet, shoulder pads and whatever other hockey gear they may make for a 6 month old. This cruising leads you to too many falls on the TV stand with a foot that juts out, sowe have a new, lockable, flat faced TV stand to protect you from yourself.

Next on the list, a new bed. Your father and I awoke several time through out the night, to you, meandering around the bed, trying to bail on us! WE JUST WANT TO SNUGGLE! You can't avoid our love for forever kid. We will just get to you when you are older, and your screams are less ear piercing. We will snuggle, but for now, you just try to escape the very tall bed. Waking up at 3am with just enough time to catch your foot as you try to leap off the bed is just not working for my sanity.

Ikea, you are our savior.

Okay, so what can you do now?
- You are such a good crawler you can follow us around the house from room to room and keep up! This makes you seemingly very proud of yourself.
-You eat. Wait, let me rephrase, you will eat anything, from spaghetti (NOT UNTIL 10 MONTHS!), the inside of a sweet potato fry, chicken, turkey, wild rice...anything really, and then you ask for more
-Dude, you eat. A LOT.
-You can cruise
-We are pretty sure you say "Mama" when you are sad at night and want me.
-You jabber away, none of it means much, but you have a sweet, soft little voice.
-You are such a good baby, we can not tell you this enough, you are such a good, good, good little boy. We can take you to do anything, and you might want to crawl, or have us hold your hands while you walk, but you put up with soooo much!
-You know the sign for "milk", it makes you laugh.
-You know the sign, and word for "cat", it makes you look around the room for Sita and Gwen.
-You love rough housing with your father
-You might be stingy, but you give big old wet kisses...and like to slip us the tounge
-You love playing with toy cars, and you can play with them properly.
-You like to play in your crib. Not a travel crib, your crib. It makes you happy.
-You sleep best in the Ergo
-You are a mama's boy through and through (I will be sure to remind you of this when you are 16, just before leaving for prom)
-You can pick up any object, no matter how small, and maneuver it. Your manual dexterity really is impressive.
-You love, love, love other kids.

I know there is so much more to tell you, about you, but it changes daily, and you can do so much, that it would be hard to list it all.

You are not our little baby anymore. You are not the big lump of love we brought home from the hospital, we can't call you an infant anymore. You are a little boy, who is working to do all those dangerous things little boys do, and I am the mother of a little boy, who is working at not having a mental break down every time you do all those dangerous things little boys do.

Mr. Alder, to be honest, the point of this post isn't to ramble on about what an active baby you are, it is to let you know, that as you are snuggled up to my back, asleep in the Ergo, all warm and cozy, I want to let you know how loved you are. Your father and I adore you more than you will ever know, sometimes after giving you, your last bottle and you have fallen asleep (sorry Dr. Smart, that is just how we roll), we just look at you and talk about what a fantastic creature you are, and how blessed we are to have such a happy, healthy and loving little boy. We kiss your face, and rub your head. We blink back tears because you really did rearrange not just our physical living space, but our heart too. We had to clear out all the old junk, and make room for a love so big, we have to blog about it.

Our hearts exploded....all over this website.

Wesley, as you grow, and have bad days and get plauged with social interactions....and enter Junior high, I know it won't be cool, or popular, but never doubt that you are loved so very deeply, by so many in this world.

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