September 15, 2010


Who took my newborn and gave me a real life, giant, beautiful baby? When did this transition happen?

You are 8 weeks old I write this, wow, Mommy has good timing. As I write, you are asleep on your Dad's chest. You have me worried that you have whooping cough. Why? Well you see, you have a sniffle, so naturally, you must have some awful illness. Isn't that how it works with new mom's thoughts?

You have come so far over the past 8 weeks, from being a big wrinkly lump of snuggly love, to a real baby who smiles at our kisses, wraps your arms around our necks, squeels with delight, tries to suck on his thumb, and is starting to get his motor skills down to crawl. Which, you almost have. You can get your little toes under your foot to propel you, you can make the motions with your legs and hold your head up, but when you start scooting yourself across the blanket, you start to cry. It isn't your favorite activity, but you are doing wonderful at it.

This past week your Daddy started feeding you a bottle every other day. It has been hard for me to give up that feeding to your Dad, but it had to be done. You both adore it, you stare at him like he is a god, and he stares at you like he doesn't have eyes for anyone else. I just asked your dad what he wanted me to add about you, and your life thus far. All he said? "Just write that he loves his daddy" and it is so true.

In other news, you are showing more interest in the books that I read to you. You don't sit and cry - it was just all about the position. I lay you on your back as you wiggle, and hold the book above our heads as I read, and you love really looking over the pictures. Right now, the book you stare at the longest is "The Curious Garden" by Peter Brown. We got it because of the beautiful illustrations, colors and the message of getting off the couch and doing something for the world. I am so glad you enjoy it.

Wes, you are so beyond loved, I have written it out before, but it can't be said or written enough, we love you with all of our hearts and feel so blessed that you have made your way into our lives and hearts. We cherish every second with you.

Right now we are off to our 8 week photoshoot, and I can't wait to take some handsome pictures of my handsome little man.

At 8 weeks:
You Like: Kisses, Eating, wiggling on your back, snuggling in any form, florescent lights
You Dislike: Sleeping in your crib or anywhere other than someone's arms, gas, fingernails being clipped

Mommy Likes: Your Contours Options Stroller (although I don't like how the wheels melted while it was in the car and the company tried to say it was our fault), your fun etsy blanket, Dr. Brown glass bottles and everything about you.

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