September 9, 2010


Ever since you were first born, we have always wondered out loud if you knew how very loved you are. Now at 7 weeks I am starting to think you might. Today, not only have you decided that naps are for the birds, you were non-stop smiles all day, no it wasn't gas. All the books say you should be just starting to smile at random, not mastering reactive smiles. What none of the books could tell us though is what an amazing smile you would have, or how our hearts would melt every time you smile after we kiss your sweet face.

Your smiles make me think that we are doing something right, and there is a chance, just a small chance that at 7 weeks you know how deeply you are loved, not only by your father and I, but by your whole family, and there are a lot of 'em!

Today your father and I have been hashing out our personal insurance dilemma. Hopefully something you never need to worry about. As things stand now though, my work provides amazing health insurance to full time employees, and for 12 weeks after women go on maternity leave. We are nearing the end of those 12 weeks, and we will soon be losing those amazing benefits until I go back to work full time, *if* I go back full time, but that is another issue for another time. Our dilemma, at this time is, do we give up everything to afford health insurance that can only be described as mediocre, or do we shell out a, small fortune, but less, to have insurance for you that would only be described as awful, and take the gamble that we will all, for the most part, be happy and healthy for several years until I go back to a full time position. The worst part is, the insurance companies are making an insane amount of money, off of a no win situation for consumers. As consumers though, do we have a choice? Not in my eyes, not when your birth cost $37,000.

I hope we find a good solution, because this is the pits! Do I give you, and our relationship up for 11 hours a day, or do we give up access to good health insurance that we can afford?

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